SMB Deal Russian Roulette
Are you ready to play?
In the SMB market, you’re playing a game of Russian roulette
Let’s look at 100 deals.
Assume that 20-40% of those deals have some kind of fraud and send you to the poor house.
Let’s be conservative and go with 20. 20 of those 100 deals are no good.
Here’s the game of Russian roulette…
100 deals.
20 are fraudulent and will ruin you if you buy.
You would probably catch 4 of those 20 fraudulent deals.
That means 16 cases of fraud would slip under the radar.
100 pistols on the counter. 16 are loaded.
Would you pick one up at random, put it to your head, and fire?
That's what you're doing when you skip a QoE.