Guardian Due Diligence Blog

Thought leadership and news from the Guardian Due Diligence team.

4 Reasons to Approach Your Self-Funded Search Like a Researcher
Elliott Holland Elliott Holland

4 Reasons to Approach Your Self-Funded Search Like a Researcher

Your acquisition deals are some of the most important research projects you will ever take on. Not only are you making what is probably your biggest investment so far, but you might be setting yourself up for life. This isn’t the research paper to start at 10 PM the night before it’s due. This is the research paper you begin as soon as it’s assigned and continue refining until it’s due. You should approach your deal like a researcher because the more you know, the less risk you’ll experience in your deal.

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5 Steps To Take Once You Get a Signed LOI
Elliott Holland Elliott Holland

5 Steps To Take Once You Get a Signed LOI

You found an acquisition deal that seems promising. You got a signed Letter of Intent (LOI). Now, it’s time to dig in and see if this deal is really right for you. First, we recommend taking some steps to prepare yourself for this phase in your deal. You’re about to be busy.

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3 Things To Do Before Hiring a QoE Firm 
Elliott Holland Elliott Holland

3 Things To Do Before Hiring a QoE Firm 

Before hiring a firm like Guardian to do a Quality of Earnings (QoE) for your deal, you should make sure you’re ready for that step. You’ll want to rule out a few deal-breakers—like if you’ll be able to get financing for the deal, whether there are any risks that are a definite no-go for you, or if you don’t have enough time for meaningful due diligence.

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How to Manage a Go / No-Go Deal Process Post LOI
Elliott Holland Elliott Holland

How to Manage a Go / No-Go Deal Process Post LOI

Congratulations! You have an LOI signed on a business you like. Now the real work begins. If this is the best deal in your pipeline, you will spend more time and money on it each week. Spending time and money on this deal prevents you from spending time and money on other deals. The stakes are high in terms of time allocation.

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